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Hazard Analysis

This procedure follows the three phases of hazard analysis as it applies to our work. From the initial planning phase, the procedures are reviewed with the Hazard ID tool of energy sources and a planning phase JSA is formulated. Then work group pre-job onsite (field review) Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is completed Hazard analysis tools are critical to identifying potential hazards and developing actions and strategies to prevent incidents from occurring. Hazard analyses may Also be used as a training tool for new employees, as the basis for environment, health, and safety (EHS) checklists, and Safety meeting topics, and to write HES procedures and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for new or modified jobs.

Two main types of hazard analysis include the following:

  • Job Hazard Analysis (JHA): is an effective technique for identifying potentially hazardous conditions and unsafe acts in the workplace. The controls identified in a JHA shall eliminate or at minimum, mitigate, the potential risk(s) associated with a job step to a tolerable risk level so that the work may be performed in a safe and controlled manner.
  • Job Safety Analysis (JSA): is a tool to analyze each job by breaking down into a sequence of steps / tasks identifying potential hazards as well as assessing the degree of risk against each step and accordingly recommend precautionary measures to control the risk before the job is performed. It is also referred as Job Hazard Analysis.

JSA & JHA have similar concept however, JSA is limited to a specific scope of work in a specific location/ equipment.

Method of performing JSA:

  • 1- Break the job into steps.
  • 2- Identify potential hazards or concerns in each step.
  • 3- Eliminate or control each hazard or concern.

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